Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Volunteer Spotlight- Ivy!

Ivy is my co-organizer of the group.  She found our little project group through the local "Angel Parents of Uintah Basin" group, and when she saw the things we were making, she decided to do a huge project with her Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, for us!  Here's a link to the blog post about that: http://teenytears.blogspot.com/2014/01/glines-4th-ward-serves-angel-babies.html  From that workday we had enough memory boxes for a year, with added things like disposable cameras and the mom and baby bracelets, as well as tons of Teeny Tears Diapers.  Since then she's hosted many work days, does lots of "homework" taking things home to sew, and helps me with background things like calling doctor's offices.  She's great at organizing events, people, and getting things done, plus she's a fantastic seamstress, who has started working on angel gowns made from wedding dresses.  She does all of this in memory of her little ones, the Montgomery Babies.  Thanks so much Ivy for all that you've done for Small Angel Babies, locally and nationally.  You're a rock star :)

1 comment:

Ivy Lou said...

Wow! You make me sound great! Thank you!