Sunday, September 14, 2014

Gowns to SHARE of Southern Utah

     I (Carrie) went to help out my sister and her new baby this past week, in Cedar City UT.  When I was getting ready to leave for home, I thought I'd call the SHARE group to see if they need anything.  SHARE is a wonderful organization that supports parents who have lost a baby.  They meet with parents in the hospital, have group meetings every month, walks to remember, and they make memory boxes for their hospitals (all things we're trying to do here, but it's slow and people don't always come).  I was excited to see that they started one in Cedar City, so I called them to see their needs.  It just so happens that they work with hospitals that I've been trying to get things to, so it was kind of a relief to hear!  I usually go down the Wasatch Front and stop at the small hospitals along the way to see if they need anything, but I don't get to places like Kanab.  Since the SHARE people do go there, I can give them items if they are in need, and now I know that hospitals on hwy 89 are covered.
     So, for this donation they didn't need diapers or boxes, but they did need gowns, and guess what I happened to have? Gowns.  Since we revamped our system, I took the left over gowns from the Roosevelt hospital and had them with me on our trip, so I was able to leave them for angel parents in So. Utah, my home area.  I love it when these little things fall into place right when they are needed, Small and simple things lead to great things! Alma 37:6-7 I didn't have an exact plan for the extra gowns, but the plan came to me.  I also left them with some buntings for the smaller babies as well. 

The SHARE person said that nobody local knows how to sew or crochet- but my mom lives there and does both!  I made sure to leave her number for them. Sometimes it's easy to sew for organizations across the country, but easy to forget your own area- so I'm glad that I called.  Both my mom and I have sent things to other states, while there was a local need we were unaware of.  It's not like we purposely didn't check with them, I did leave some gowns and diapers at the Cedar hospital last year, but I'm sure they need more since they are now working with more than one hospital.  It was just an eye opening experience.  Now we have contact info. for one group instead of having to call numerous hospitals and try to get past answering machines :)  

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