Friday, October 3, 2014


Here are some things we've been working on:
  • A Delivery of gowns to South Dakota. 
Some fun cowboy outfits, re-purposed from a minky/flannel carseat cover
This has a blanket and memorial square with it! I wasn't sure about the gown, but it's cute :)
 Medium size, They turned out great, and went perfectly with the flesh colored stockinette for the hat.

 Gowns- a few full packages, small and med. kimonos, and a few large double layered ones. 

  • Angel Baby Workdays--  After our Super Saturday activity, we are a little low on things, especially those that don't involve sewing :)  Here are some homemade cards. Making cards is one more thing that I never thought I could do, let alone like! I may or may not have stayed up until 1 am finishing these so I could get the supplies back to Angie Slaugh. 

All in all, there are 88 cards, from 5 workers, not bad!! 

  • Aren't these cute together? My mom send some flesh colored stockinette for no-sew hats, and they work really with with some fabrics.  I had a hard time knowing what to do with the boy diapers, but these hats are great! 

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